Monday, March 30, 2015


We had some free time to spend in Paris on our first day so I dragged Ed to Sennelier--a very old, and famous art shop in Paris. I just had to visit since this was where Degas, Picasso and Cezanne shopped when they lived in Paris! 

I couldn't walk out empty-handed, I snagged a Sennelier sketchbook, and crazy cool Pentel mechanical pencil and a Uni-pin pen. The upstairs was setup--what looked like--a urban sketchers paradise of pens and pencils! They had every type of pen, marker and pencil you could think of! Paradise! 

even Ed (teacher) was captivated! 

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Bluegrass jammin'

Well, I wasn't jammin'--other folks were, I was just drawing them.

We had a sketch meetup at Coffee Connections. Every few sundays they have a jam session and between 15-25 musicians show up! We had 11 artists who sketched and sketched and sketched. 

[Pilot Falcon with DeArtramentis Document Black ink, D+S watercolors all in a S+V Zeta sketchbook]

Friday, March 20, 2015

Toned sketchbook catch-up

It's been a while! So here are some sketches from my Strathmore gray toned sketchbook. Previously I had blazed through the tan toned paper sketchbook, and thought I would give the gray a try. I am not absolutely in love with this gray paper. It seems just a tiny bit too dark. The paper also seems like it can't hold up to water as well as the tan toned paper. Both books come from the sam company, so I assume the paper comes from the same factory or paper recipe. Either way, this one is, meh--okay. 

 [pilot V5 pen, PITT cool gray markers, and a white gel pen in a gray toned Strathmore sketchbook]

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Sketch Meetup--Library

Not much to say. 
-met at the Pittsford library
-sketched some more
-went across the street and had a cinnamon roll with 14 inches of frosting on it 
-went home

[pilot falcon w/DeArtmentis document ink, Lamy Safari w/noodler's lexington gray, D+S water colors all in a S_B Zeta sketchbook]

Friday, March 6, 2015

sketchin' some students

Sometimes the best medicine for students who are more concerned with conversation than art-making is to become the master example. So I will sit with the students who are being distracted and sketch a few other students in the room. At lunch I will take time to add color and/or shadows or other details I may need to add. 

[pilot falcon w/DeArtementis document ink, J. Herbin pearl noire in an water brush in a S+B Zeta sketchbook]

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Rochester Museum and Science Center

We had a sketch meetup this past sunday at the Rochester Museum and Science Center. There was a record breaking 12 sketchers there to partake in the festivities. Not really that festive, but it is a fun place to sketch. I gravitated to the Mammoth/Mastodon display and the other animal dioramas. Eventually I tucked myself away into a family and kidless area and basked in the peace and quiet of the Native American mask displays. 

[pilot falcon with DeArtementis Document ink, D+S watercolors in a S+B Zeta sketchbook]