Sunday, November 2, 2014


my sketching buddy, genine and i met up at the memorial art gallery for a little sketch outing. we parked ourselves in a room with a lot of sculptures. i was intrigued by a pair of wooden sculptures from the 1200s--more specifically, st. john. the lighting was perfect, and my human model didn't (couldn't?) move! it was perfect. 

about half way through our sketch outing, the pipe-organ in the next room kicked in and we quickly relocated so we could hear the ancient musical instrument. we were serenaded with a wide-range of musical selections and i sketched some odd fountain with a boy and a fish on top. the sculpture was very dark, and so i started with the darks only and worked towards lights. it was tough since my brain was fitting in things that were there, but i couldn't technically see. stupid brain. 

palomino blackwing pencil, warm gray PITT pens, triton colored pencil (for the shadow), cheap white gel pen, in a strathmore toned sketchbook

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