Friday, October 16, 2015

Toned Gray round up (sketchbook #14-complete)

Here are the last few pages from my toned gray sketchbook inspired by Mr. Miguel Herranz. 144 pages is a lot of toned sheets to sketch on and I quickly got burnt out on all the gray. So I would take this book with me to "lesser" sketching locations for quick people drawings, and some buildings. Sometimes making this book the "B" book made me looser and expectations lower. So in the end, some of my best sketches came out of these pages. 

Here are the last few pages from the past few weeks. 

[pilot V5 pen, PITT cool gray markers, and a white gel pen in a gray toned gray Strathmore sketchbook]

the facade of Java's @ the Market

Greenfront creepin'

Greenfront creepin'

some students working

some more students working

blind contour line drawings of students working

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